Living with Arthritis by Thomas Marks (Wotjobaluk)

Thomas ‘Marksey’ Marks is a proud Wotjobaluk/ Gunaikurnai man from Gippsland. Being one of many Stolen Generations children, he wasn’t able to grow up on his traditional Country. As an adult, he is now proudly reclaiming his Aboriginal identity through art. In his artwork ‘Living With Arthritis’ Thomas tells the story of his struggle with arthritis and the journey he is on to fight back against the pain. It’s also a story for others who experience arthritis and go through life followed by this lingering pain.

Healing Together by Nicole Dickerson (Yamaji)

Nicole is a Yamaji Woman from Geraldton Western Australia with connections to the Amangu, Naaguja, Wilunyu and Ngarluma People. Nicole grew up interested in art with her creative ways coming from her Dad. Nicole’s art is her form of healing, strength, her words when she cannot speak, and most importantly it’s her story. In ‘Healing together’ Nicole tells the story of how the rain falls on the land, connecting people, cleansing the mind, body & soul, from one place that connects two, to support Healing Together on one land.


Tim Buckley

Web and Visual Designer

Tim is a queer multi-disciplinary artist and designer, creating visually engaging and accessible experiences, especially for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, including LGBTQI+BBSG communities.

He finds inspiration in the natural world and enjoys spending time on traditional lands, on which he is based, Yugambeh Country.

Tamati Smith

Photographer and Videographer

Tamati Smith is a member of the Wajarri/Badimaya - Yamaji Nation in Western Australia and Ngapuhi Maori in New Zealand. Tamati has worked in health with Aboriginal youth, mining, and for the Royal Australian Navy, which is where he begun his creative journey into photography and videography. As a photographer/videographer he has worked with the inaugural 2021 Barrabuwirri (Tomorrow) Festival for Sydney Opera House, the inaugural 2021 Maali Festival for Black Swan State Theatre, AFL Premiership Cup tour of Western Australia, Cleo Smith Story and Garma Festival.

Luke Griffiths

Videographer and Editor

Currently residing in Perth, WA - Luke is a videographer and filmmaker who continually finds himself drawn to the stories of people and the worlds they inhabit. Over the ten years he has been working in the industry he feels that every day spent with his camera and computer allowing others to express themselves was a good day.